Monday, April 21, 2008

Keep Supporting ASL/Deaf Culture

I have been away from home for the past two weeks, working at scoring tests for the government. This means that I have been away from my home computer and from my web cam and it has been impossible for me to do any Vlogs.

Recently, on the pages of DeafRead, people have been complaining that too many postings have been showing up by people supporting cochlear implants. It seems that many of them (not all) oppose ASL. DeafRead permits all topics that are posted by Deaf people or topics that are related to deafness and some days it looks like anti-ASL bloggers are taking over DeafRead.  To me, it seems that there is only one way that can happen .... if the pro-ASL and pro-Deaf Culture bloggers and Vloggers stop posting their opinions and information.

A couple of months ago, when I first started looking at DeafRead, there were lots of  interesting and creative people adding ASL Vlogs that I don't see any more. I keep hoping that those people will return to the world of Blogging/Vlogging again soon.  There is no reason why they can't outnumber the people that try to put down ASL and Deaf Culture.

I don't think DeafRead should ban other opinions, or put them in a separate category. We should know what they think and they should know what we think.  All of us may find that we have some ideas or opinions that are the same. If people disagree, that's okay as long as we make sure we really know what we are disagreeing about.

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